We have launched a COVID-19 Tracker, The survey themes include health and risk behaviours, food security, income, work and job security, personal safety concerns, and access to government and community support. www.covid19tracker.africa
Understanding what a financial product or service is, what it offers, how to use it, how to benefit from it is a necessary requirement for Togolese adults
FinScope Togo Clean Energy 2017 Dashboard (French)
L’énergie propre (dite aussi verte ou renouvelable) est pressentie comme la meilleure alternative pour développer l’énergie destinée à la cuisson et à l’éclairage
Agriculture is a labour intensive industry generally. This is extremely relevant for Togo as 51% of all households are involved in agricultural activities.
The Government of Togo recognises the role played by the financial sector in facilitating economic growth through enhanced access to financial services.