We have launched a COVID-19 Tracker, The survey themes include health and risk behaviours, food security, income, work and job security, personal safety concerns, and access to government and community support. www.covid19tracker.africa
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Status of Financial Inclusion in SADC Member States
The UN Women report titled “Her Finance, Her Future – Building Stronger Economies One Woman at a Time” explores the status of financial inclusion in SADC, focusing on women's access to and use of financial services.
UN Women SADC Financial Inclusion Statistical Report
FinMark Trust is proud to have contributed to this comprehensive report. Download the Financial Inclusion and Gender in SADC Sub-region Status Report for the statistical findings.
Rapport du Forum sur l'Inclusion Financière de la SADC 2023
Offre un résumé complet des perspectives précieuses et des discussions stimulantes partagées lors de la conférence. Le rapport comprend des interviews post-événement avec certains de nos principaux parties prenantes.
Offers a comprehensive summary of the valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions shared during the conference. The report features post-event interviews with some of our key stakeholders.
FinScope Angola 2023 Relatório de Inquérito ao Consumidor
O guia de bolso da Pesquisa do Consumidor FinScope Angola 2022 é uma referência confiável para a inclusão financeira em Angola. É um recurso valioso para o desenvolvimento de estratégias eficazes com base em evidências empíricas.
The FinScope Consumer Survey provides reliable benchmarks on financial inclusion in Angola, these findings benefit various sectors, with the aim of improving the lives of Angolan individuals.