SADC Data Resources
FinMark Trust: Twentieth anniversary digital journal
Twenty years ago, when FinMark Trust was established, we took the dream of making financial markets work for the poor and turned it into reality. Join us as we reflect on this journey, with key milestones highlighted in our digital journal.
When more is more: why financial inclusion demand-side surveys are essential for access to financial services
FinScope consumer surveys offer insights into people's financial needs, preferences, and behaviour. It does not attempt to replicate the work of censuses or other annual surveys.
The Great Reset – rethinking the data and measurement framework
The Great Reset has happened. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the inflection point with systemic effects that affect how people live their lives
Should African governments consider alternate distribution channels for ARVs due to COVID-19?
The health implications of COVID-19 go beyond the threat it poses itself as an illness.
Inequality in middle income countries
This presentation is on inequality in middle income countries: A financial inclusion lens using FinScope.
Top six insights on Gender from FinScope data across the SADC region
FinScope data analysis has revealed many insights on gender.
Financial Inclusion in SADC
The financial inclusion indicators are constructed from 14 SADC countries using findings of the FinScope Consumer surveys.
Small business performance: Does access to finance matter?
This paper reports on the determinants of small business access to finance (both formal and informal) in 5 countries in the SADC region
Analysis of Indebtedness & Over-Indebtedness in the SADC Region
A third of adults in SADC are indebted and with access to credit from either a formal or informal lender.
An Excluded Society? Financial Inclusion in SADC
Financial Inclusion in SADC through the FinScope Lenses” provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of financial inclusion in the twelve SADC states.
SADC Programmes Resources
2024 SADC Financial Inclusion Forum Report
The 2024 SADC Financial Inclusion Forum featured discussions on digital payments, regulatory frameworks, and innovation, promoting collaboration to enhance financial inclusion and regional investment opportunities.
SADC Gender and Financial Inclusion Factsheet
UN Women has published an analysis of the current status of financial inclusion in SADC countries, with inputs from the SADC Secretariat and FinMark Trust. Read the factsheet.
Status of Financial Inclusion in SADC Member States
The UN Women report titled “Her Finance, Her Future – Building Stronger Economies One Woman at a Time” explores the status of financial inclusion in SADC, focusing on women's access to and use of financial services.
UN Women SADC Financial Inclusion Statistical Report
FinMark Trust is proud to have contributed to this comprehensive report. Download the Financial Inclusion and Gender in SADC Sub-region Status Report for the statistical findings.
2023 Annual Report
Our Annual Report shares our progress in advancing beyond traditional financial inclusion to bring about lasting change focussed on real impact. We're working to create a more inclusive financial system for our region.
Using a Multi-faceted Approach to Combatting Financial Inequality
Formal financial and economic inclusion remains pivotal in addressing the rampant inequality in many African economies today.
Harnessing data for financial inclusion: Mukuru’s top insights
The modern world has moved towards digitisation, yet a significant gap remains in terms of financial and economic inclusion, particularly in Africa. Despite this, there is a substantial opportunity to harness the power of data to bridge this gap.
Rapport du Forum sur l'Inclusion Financière de la SADC 2023
Offre un résumé complet des perspectives précieuses et des discussions stimulantes partagées lors de la conférence. Le rapport comprend des interviews post-événement avec certains de nos principaux parties prenantes.
2023 SADC Financial Inclusion Forum Report
Offers a comprehensive summary of the valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions shared during the conference. The report features post-event interviews with some of our key stakeholders.
Relatório do Fórum de Inclusão Financeira da SADC 2023
Apresenta um resumo abrangente das perspectivas valiosas e das discussões instigantes compartilhadas durante a conferência. O relatório inclui entrevistas pós-evento com alguns dos nossos principais intervenientes.
Family Remittances: A Vital Source for Livelihoods in SADC
Families' access to financial resources is crucial for building thriving communities and fostering economic growth. Remittances, as a vital source of income, provide millions of people with the means to meet their basic needs.
2022 Annual Report
In 2022, FinMark Trust continued to make progress in our efforts to improve the lives of the poor by prioritising inclusive growth and the development of sustainable livelihoods. Read more in our 2022 annual report.
FinMark Trust: Twentieth anniversary digital journal
Twenty years ago, when FinMark Trust was established, we took the dream of making financial markets work for the poor and turned it into reality. Join us as we reflect on this journey, with key milestones highlighted in our digital journal.
Remittances Market Assessment 2021 - Pocket guide
This pocket guide highlights key findings from the market assessment of remittance flows into and out of South Africa using SARB data and a mystery shopping exercise looking at the costs of remitting via various channels, from South Africa.
Remittances Market Assessment 2021
FinMark Trust conducted a market assessment of remittance flows into and out of South Africa using SARB data and a mystery shopping exercise looking at the costs of remitting via various channels, from South Africa to other countries in the SADC.
A celebration of 20 years of learning - Webinar
To celebrate this milestone in our own development – and for the development of the financial inclusion landscape over the past 20 years, we will be hosting a series of webinars.
South Africa to the Rest of SADC Remittances Market Assessment 2021
Sharing what the latest prices across various channels are – and discussing some of the most prominent developments in the market with experts from the field.
Presentation - SADC Remittances Market Assessment 2021
Presentation on sharing the most recent prices across various channels – as well as addressing some of the market's most significant changes with experts from the field.
National Surveys
The National Surveys methodology is a credible and globally accepted process of collecting and analysing financial inclusion data. National Surveys methodology uses a sampling procedure that ensures minimum acceptable levels for national, urban/rural and regional reliable estimates with acceptable margins of error. A multi-stage sampling methodology is applied, which entails selection of enumeration areas (EAs) – from recent census or population estimates using probability proportional to size, followed by the selection of households and the selection of one adult in the selected household using a Kish Grid.